
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The Dog Mat trying to eat cabbage on the table

A light brown and white dog in a rich flash house with a dark brown table  was inside the house.
As Matt, the light brown and  white dog, jumps like a person on a trampoline jumping really high trying to reach up into the sky but really it's a light brown and white dog jumping up to the dark brown table trying to get to a light green  cabbage because the light brown and white  dog Mat was hungry.  Finally, the dog got the cabbage and ripped it off the table. Some of the cabbage fell onto the dog Mat's head and  he really looked like Alf.


Atelaite tangimausia taufa said...

nice work kyana Lee i like the way you use net words keep it up

Jay said...

You are really trying hard to use descriptive words to paint a picture for your audience Kyana. It is easy to picture what your story is about because you are using specific words.
Mrs B

Keti said...

Hey Kyana I like your story and how you described what the dog and the other stuff looked like.

Keep up the good work. :)

Kyana said...

thank everbody for commenting on my blog thank you everbody how did comment on my blog

Summerjaylee said...

Hi Kyana I like your story I think it funny.

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